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Communication with candidates


Crearte Consulting is a company specialising in Nethunting. Our job is to add value by finding the ideal candidates for your vacancies. Communication is a key factor in any type of organisation. That all the members work to achieve a common criterion requires coherence that requires that the information reaches all interested parties promptly. But it goes beyond that, as proper communication with candidates is an essential tool for finding the ideal candidates, those who can become your company’s best asset,

Communicating with the company to understand its needs

One of the first steps in the Crearte method for finding the perfect candidates for your company is to meet with the Human Resources department or the personnel manager to understand the internal selection process, the exact functions expected of the candidate, the culture of the company, the profile of the people in charge of the area applying for the position, etc. These are the preliminary steps that will help us to focus on the search process.

We understand that correct communication is fundamental throughout the whole process. One of the steps to which we attach the most important is the wording of the job offer advertisement. The aim is to make it clear that it only attracts candidates who fit 100% with the profile you are looking for and are attractive so that it stands out from other offers on the market.

Once you have a list of candidates, it is time to contact them. Whatever medium we use, be it oral or written, distance or face-to-face, we attach great importance to the way we approach communication.

comunicación con candidatos

Key points in communicating with candidates

Some of the main aspects we take into account, and that you should also take into account when welcoming your candidates are:

  • Use clear and concise language. Make sure that messages are easy to understand and are not loaded with jargon or technical terms. Politeness and politeness should be the most important aspects of communication with potential applicants.
  • Personalise messages. Whether or not you are chosen to fill the vacancy, it is important to treat each candidate as an individual. This can be done by using their name when addressing them and even mentioning something specific from their CV or interview, if they have been interviewed, to show that you have paid attention to their profile.
  • Use a friendly and respectful tone. Both you and the candidate are investing time in the selection process, so it is valuable to show interest and respect for the candidates and their time.
  • Be punctual. Respect the deadlines we have set and communicate any changes in plans in advance.
  • Use an appropriate communication platform. Depending on the context, it may be more appropriate to use email, text messages or even phone calls. Choosing the option that best suits the needs of the candidates is another important point.

Proper communication helps candidates, whether they are finally selected for the vacancy or not, to keep a positive view. This will undoubtedly have a positive influence on your company image and may affect future candidate selection processes.

As experts in Nethunting, at Crearte Consulting we not only present you with the ideal candidates, but we also accompany you in the internal selection process, guiding you so that you maintain the appropriate communication with them at all times. The telephone or face-to-face interviews, the technical tests and the negotiation before signing the contract with the candidate are other points where proper communication is essential.

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