Crearte Consulting is a different company. We are specialized in Nethunting, that is to say, in the search through the Internet for the ideal candidates for the positions you need to fill in your company. Our extensive experience in different job positions, both in technical and managerial positions, gives us a very clear vision of your needs as a client.
Nethunting company based on trust and respect.
We are passionate about the digital world, and that’s why all the Crearte Consulting staff is constantly training to find new tools that allow us to improve our search and recruitment of suitable profiles. We are the bridge between the position you need to fill and your ideal candidate.
To do this we use as resources both employment portals and the different social networks and specific portals for each sector. This makes it possible that, in a very short time, we can cover practically 95% of the market of potential candidates. Our job is to search to find the candidates that will improve the future of your company. Nowadays, companies that want to stand out do not hesitate to count on the best talent.
Finding highly qualified workers who fit like a glove for the position you need to fill is not easy. We know that we love challenges and that is why we have embarked on this Nethunting company. Trust is one of the keys to our business: we are involved in our work, and that’s why, as a client, we treat you on a one-to-one basis, so we become your partners. We need to understand exactly the nature of the company and especially of the position for which you are looking for a candidate, and we do this by talking to you, with empathy and professionalism.
We know that, if things are done right, it is always possible to find the perfect candidate. But to do so, you have to get seriously involved in the search. It is not about looking for many candidates, but about saving time and resources for the human resources department by looking for the people who best fit the position due to their training, experience, attitude, approach, etc. That is our goal, to get you the right candidate, ensuring quality rather than quantity.

We are committed to finding the candidate you need
In today’s fast-paced business world, we have implemented a very agile method of candidate search and selection. We understand that you need to fill that position now, so our commitment is to introduce you to the right candidates in just seven days. We start by meeting with the person or department that needs to find the candidate. We need to understand everything from the culture of the company to the functions and characteristics of the position to be filled, including the profile that the ideal candidate is expected to have.
Our analysis is first based on how we are going to offer that position in the market and its conditions, as well as the profile of potential candidates in the market. One of the issues we focus a lot on is knowing what kind of candidates we should approach through social networks and how we should present the offer to them. The important thing is to know how to speak the same language as our candidates, so they will identify more with us than with another similar offer since the market is currently very active.
At Crearte Consulting we invest a lot of time and money in being well-positioned in social networks. In addition to publishing the offer in the main job portals, we also undertake a proactive search among the profiles of our databases and social networks. Once we have located the right candidates, we start the selection process, linked to the process that our client needs to carry out.
In addition, we understand that our work as a Nethunting company does not end with the presentation of the candidates, so our commitment to the candidates is based on accompanying them during the internal selection process defined by the company, including support in the negotiation and closing with the candidate.