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We tell you how we manage to cover 95% of the market with potential candidates

cómo conseguimos cubrir el 95% del mercado con potenciales candidatos

In Crearte Consulting we are Nethunters, that is, experts in searching and selecting potential candidates through our powerful ATS, social networks, professional networks and job portals, both nationally and internationally. We understand that we are in an era in which competition among companies is very high, and the best way to differentiate ourselves is to work with the best talent. But the talent search is also an investment in which it is important to minimize risks.

We have an agile, professional and effective method of Nethunting.

Companies fight to get the best profiles to become part of their staff. Acquiring talent is one of the guarantees of success for any organization. Passive methods, which involve waiting for candidates to send their CVs, are outdated; today it is necessary to go on the hunt for talent and be proactive.

We have a very agile search work model that allows the selection of candidates in just 7 days: it is our Crearte Method. We achieve this by focusing on the objective and being very rigorous, both when it comes to understanding what characteristics we are looking for in the candidate and the functions they are expected to perform. We also take into account that their profile fits with the company’s philosophy.

When a company contacts us to find the ideal candidate, these are the steps we follow:

  1. The first thing we do is talk to the HR manager and the person in charge of the area requesting the candidate. We need to understand the internal selection process and the functions to be developed. But we also need to be clear about the culture of the company.
  2. The next step is to make an analysis of that position in the market, we need to know what is on offer and how to approach it in the best way, being honest and accurate.
  3. Finally, we analyze the profile of potential candidates.

Once we have carried out the complete study, the key moment comes to locate the best candidates for the profile we want to cover, whether these professionals are in active search or not. Doing it in the most complete, precise and attractive way possible is essential to attract the attention of the right candidates. It is about attracting profiles that fit 100% with the ideal candidate that the company demands.

conseguimos cubrir el 95% del mercado con potenciales candidatos

We help you in every step of the candidate selection process.

Crearte’s professionals have experience in technical, managerial and executive positions, which allows us to better understand the client’s needs. In addition, we have specific tools and we continuously study new ways of searching and recruiting profiles. Before presenting candidates to you, we conduct interviews by videoconference, depending on the circumstances. We also carry out tests, technical tests… whatever the client needs to carry out the selection process correctly.

We always prefer to present a few candidates that fit with what the company is looking for than many that do not fit the position.

In addition, our role goes much further. We get involved in the internal selection process, including telephone or face-to-face interviews and technical tests. And we participate as support in the process of negotiating and closing the deal with the candidate. If you are looking for talent for your company, in Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting and we guarantee results.

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