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The art of getting to know candidates beyond their CVs


At Crearte Consulting we define ourselves as passionate about Nethunting. We are experts in personnel recruitment through the Internet. Social networks, professional networks and job portals are ideal tools to put companies in contact with the candidates that best fit them. But to get to know the candidates and find the ideal one, you have to go much further than just analysing their CVs.

Your ideal candidate is on the Internet, we find him/her

In the digital age, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to search for candidates online. This is known as Nethunting or online talent hunting. It is a technique that consists of finding and attracting professionals through the use of digital tools.

But Nethunting goes beyond simply finding a candidate with a suitable profile. It is about getting to know the person beyond their CV. In other words, it allows us to get to know the skills, interests and professional objectives of a candidate more deeply and completely.

Nowadays, practically all companies use social networks to find out about their potential candidates. As a consultancy, we have created a method that meets two of today’s essential conditions: it is fast and effective.

To carry out effective Nethunting, it is important to use a wide variety of tools and techniques. Some of them can be:

  • Reviewing the candidate’s social media presence: their LinkedIn profile, their activity on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. This can give us an idea of their interests and how they relate to other professionals in their sector.
  • Check the candidate’s blogs or online publications: if the applicant has a blog or has published in any digital media, we can learn more about their opinions and knowledge in their field of expertise.
  • Do a Google search: sometimes a simple Google search can yield interesting results about the candidate, such as conferences they have attended or projects they have been involved in.
  • Use online assessment tools: some platforms offer skills and competency assessments to get to know a candidate better
conocer a los candidatos

Nethunting, a methodology adapted to today’s needs

Nethunting can also be described as a very useful technique to get to know candidates more deeply and find the perfect professional for a company. In addition, it saves time and resources in the search for candidates, as it can be done quickly and efficiently via the Internet. In addition to their qualifications, the candidate’s interests, personalities and tastes can also be relevant for some positions.

On the other hand, it is interesting to note that just as the company is looking for certain characteristics in the person who is going to fill the vacancy, it must also make the applicant feel attracted to it.

It is important to bear in mind that Nethunting is helped by face-to-face interviews or interviews via videoconference. We can still conduct face-to-face interviews to get to know the candidates better and make sure they fit the company culture.

Nowadays, social networks tell us a lot about people’s interests and way of life. That is why it is important to be careful about what you post, share and comment on the internet. Publications made on any social network can contribute to a good or bad image of yourself.

At Crearte Consulting we like challenges, that’s why we are committed to finding the right candidate for the position you need to fill in just seven days.

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