HR departments have historically turned to the figure of the Headhunter to find profiles that are difficult to find. This figure has changed in recent years and is now known as Nethunters, who are responsible for finding the best candidates through social and professional networks. Today we want to tell you how to benefit from Nethunting if you have an IT company.
Benefits of Nethunting
This modality of searching for the best candidates maintains the bases of Headhunting, although it increases its search support on the Internet, simple and within everyone’s reach. This and the social networks mean that you can get the profiles that you and your business need at the right time through companies that are experts in Nethunting. Some of its benefits are the following:
- Access to candidates who are not looking for a job: One of the problems faced by HR departments is that IT candidates do not need to actively apply for jobs, so you need to reach out to them proactively. This requires access to social media and good social media positioning, knowing what we are talking about and working proactively on profiles.
- Time invested in each profile: HR departments have many profile search needs in addition to their daily work, so sometimes they need a technological selection partner that gives them access to candidates with the IT profiles they need. This means that the time in which they can access good profiles is shorter than if they only had their internal tools. We want to be your partner and help you as an external recruiter.

How to use Nethunting for my IT company?
IT companies are associated with adjectives such as competitiveness and efficiency. That is why they need good profiles both technically, managerially and in terms of understanding the business.
It is precisely the service of a Nethunter that makes the search for technical and professional profiles in the digital age possible. The Internet is emerging as the best place to find professionals in this field.
In the case of IT professionals, they are usually passionate about their profession. Therefore, it is common that through their social networks, we can get to know this person in detail. They usually share content related to their field of work or even have a blog or social networks focused on this area. Keys like this will make it possible for the Nethunter to find professionals in this environment. Using social networks such as LinkedIn will also help a lot in this aspect. In the same place, we can find the professional experience, skills and opinions of a potential candidate, and contact them if we find them an interesting profile. With these details, we hope we have helped you to know what the benefits that Nethunting offers for your IT company are. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, so we are at your disposal to accompany you in the search for the ideal professional for your business.