Do you have an IT company? Find out how to benefit from Nethunting

HR departments have historically turned to the figure of the Headhunter to find profiles that are difficult to find. This figure has changed in recent years and is now known as Nethunters, who are responsible for finding the best candidates through social and professional networks. Today we want to tell you how to benefit from Nethunting if you have an IT company.

Benefits of Nethunting

This modality of searching for the best candidates maintains the bases of Headhunting, although it increases its search support on the Internet, simple and within everyone’s reach. This and the social networks mean that you can get the profiles that you and your business need at the right time through companies that are experts in Nethunting. Some of its benefits are the following:

  • Access to candidates who are not looking for a job: One of the problems faced by HR departments is that IT candidates do not need to actively apply for jobs, so you need to reach out to them proactively. This requires access to social media and good social media positioning, knowing what we are talking about and working proactively on profiles.
  • Time invested in each profile: HR departments have many profile search needs in addition to their daily work, so sometimes they need a technological selection partner that gives them access to candidates with the IT profiles they need. This means that the time in which they can access good profiles is shorter than if they only had their internal tools. We want to be your partner and help you as an external recruiter.
cómo beneficiarte del Nethunting si tienes una empresa de IT

How to use Nethunting for my IT company?

IT companies are associated with adjectives such as competitiveness and efficiency. That is why they need good profiles both technically, managerially and in terms of understanding the business.

It is precisely the service of a Nethunter that makes the search for technical and professional profiles in the digital age possible. The Internet is emerging as the best place to find professionals in this field.

In the case of IT professionals, they are usually passionate about their profession. Therefore, it is common that through their social networks, we can get to know this person in detail. They usually share content related to their field of work or even have a blog or social networks focused on this area. Keys like this will make it possible for the Nethunter to find professionals in this environment. Using social networks such as LinkedIn will also help a lot in this aspect. In the same place, we can find the professional experience, skills and opinions of a potential candidate, and contact them if we find them an interesting profile. With these details, we hope we have helped you to know what the benefits that Nethunting offers for your IT company are. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, so we are at your disposal to accompany you in the search for the ideal professional for your business.

Digitisation of recruitment processes is the way forward

bienvenido a la digitalización de los procesos de selección

When we talk about digitalisation in companies, we do so in all areas, covering the different departments of the company. This includes human resources, which clearly and directly affects recruitment. The optimisation and improvement of personnel selection processes are very important when it comes to attracting the best and most suitable talent for our business, thus ensuring the recruitment of suitable candidates. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, digital selection processes based on technology and that is why we want to explain to you how to carry out selection processes digitally.

How are recruitment processes digitised?

The digitisation of recruitment processes means that the recruitment of new employees can be carried out in a more agile and concise way. This makes companies more competitive by attracting talent quickly and easily adapting to market changes by bringing in new staff when necessary.

This digitisation translates into the conversion of the old way of offering jobs, such as through newspaper advertisements or paper CV management, to the use of digital platforms, social networks or CV management software (ATS). This new form of recruitment is known as e-Recruitment. This makes online results up to 10 times more effective than the traditional way of finding candidates.

The percentage of both companies and potential employees using online methods to search for a job or offer a position is very high. It is almost 100%. In this respect, social networks are increasingly positioning themselves as one of the preferred ways to search for jobs and talent.

Betting on the new services offered by the Internet when looking for new employees not only makes the process more agile and faster but also more accurate. Through social networks, we have an open world of possibilities. In one way or another, it allows us to get to know the person better than in any personal interview and to find out a little more about all the characteristics that may not be included in their CV but which could be interesting for the position.

Así es la digitalización de los procesos de selección en Crearte Consulting

What does the digitisation of this process bring?

At Crearte Consulting we firmly believe that the digitisation of recruitment processes is full of benefits. Here are some of its strong points:

  • Refining the search. If we are guided by the traditional or reactive way, waiting for the candidates to send us their CVs, we see a reduced range of possibilities that could be open to us through the Internet. It is no longer the company that has to wait to receive candidates, but through the digitalisation of this process, we can go “on the hunt” for the best candidate. We have to be proactive.
  • Analyse the skills and abilities of our candidates. Using digital portals and social media, we can easily obtain several examples of the work that our future employees have done in the past. This allows us to analyse certain data, such as their language skills, or how they work with a certain programme.
  • Flexibility and time-saving. This section is beneficial, not only for those responsible for the recruitment process but also for the candidates. Neither HR managers will waste time with profiles that do not fit what they are looking for, nor candidates will be “cheated” or feel that this has been a “waste of time”.

We hope these tips have helped you to understand how recruitment processes are digitised and the benefits that this system can bring to your business. From Crearte Consulting we are at your disposal if you need a digitised selection process that provides you with the desired talent for any of your projects.

How to prepare for a video interview

As experts in Nethunting, at Crearte Consulting we take advantage of the best of all digital tools. Video interviews are an ideal way to have a first-person approach with job candidates before meeting them in person.

The importance of a video interview

A video interview is a job interview conducted via video conference. This allows recruiters and recruiters to see and/or hear potential candidates before meeting in person.

It is important to prepare for a video interview the same way you would for an in-person job interview. Be sure to do your research on the company and the position you are applying for, and try to get an idea of the questions you may be asked.

It’s always good to practice, either with a friend or family member or even by video-conferencing questions to yourself. This will help you become familiar with the process and reduce nervousness.

Video interviewing is an important tool for recruiters and recruiters, as it allows you to get to know candidates better before meeting with them in person. Video interviews are also useful for candidates, saving them time and money that would otherwise be spent travelling for an in-person interview.

While video interviews are becoming more common, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic that highlighted the importance of telecommuting, they can still be a nerve-wracking experience for many candidates. Preparing for a video interview shouldn’t be much different than preparing for an in-person job interview. Be sure to research the company, its values and services, and the position for which you are applying, and get an idea of the questions you may be asked.

prepararse para una videoentrevista

Types of questions you may be asked in a video interview

Each video interview will indeed be unique, but it is also true that some questions are common in most of them. We can divide them by topic:

  • Opening questions. These are intended to help overcome initial reluctance. They can be considered as introductory questions, such as “Tell us about yourself” or “Why are you interested in applying for the vacancy we are offering”. They are an opportunity to explain your background and experience and why you think you are an ideal candidate for the position.
  • Questions about your personality are also common. These try to analyze whether you fit in with the company’s values. You may be asked about your hobbies, your passions and your preferences when it comes to working (e.g. alone or in a team).
  • Your motivation for taking the job may also be the subject of different questions. These can take the form of “What are your career goals for the future?”.
  • Of course, your skills are an important thing that will come out in the interview. You may be asked for examples of real situations in which you overcame a challenge, or how you present your ideas.
  • There is also a group of questions that could be classified as unexpected. It is about assessing how you react.

After searching for candidates and before proposing them to the companies that have hired us, one of the last steps we take in our Nethunting process at Crearte Consulting is to conduct a video interview to ensure that we present the right candidates.

At Crearte Consulting we revolutionise the personnel selection market

Our extensive experience in the field of human resources has led us to look for the most effective way to simplify the recruitment processes that are usually long and costly for companies. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, and we are committed to finding the ideal candidate for the vacancy you want to fill in just 7 days. We want to be the bridge between your problem and the most beneficial solution!

We believe in Net hunting as the solution to speed up the search for personnel

Currently, there are around 100,000 unfilled talent vacancies in most sectors. This means there is a vast pool of candidates and companies looking for opportunities to connect. But traditional methods can be slow and tedious, so new ways are being sought to deliver results…

We differentiate ourselves as net hunters on three main points: the digitisation of processes, agility in our work, and becoming partners with the companies that hire us.

We establish a close and trusting relationship with each of the companies that request our services. Rather than simply offering a recruitment service, we work in collaboration with companies to understand their specific needs and objectives. This allows us to customise the recruitment process for each company and find the ideal candidate that fits their needs and corporate culture.

This collaborative and trusting relationship allows us to work together for the long term, providing recruitment solutions that fit the evolving needs of the business. As partners, we work together to achieve common goals and ensure that the company finds the best talent. This means that our recruitment solutions are tailored to your needs and those of your company, saving you time and money in the process.

crearte consulting revolucionamos el mercado de selección de personal

The main objective: is to help companies and candidates find each other.

We specialise in sourcing and recruiting talent using digital and social media, which allows us to connect you with the best candidates in the market in as little as seven days, including IT profiles.

Without a doubt, what helps us stand out from other recruitment providers is our efficiency. With us, you can be sure that you will find the ideal candidate in just one week, as we have implemented a search method that is constantly being improved.

Our core values as a company are transparency, innovation, quality and agility. This means that we always work to provide you with the best results in the shortest possible time. By delegating the outsourcing of the recruitment process to us, you will be able to focus on what is most important for your business.

At Crearte Consulting, we make sure that the talent search is as easy and efficient as possible. To achieve this, we are constantly innovating and improving our processes and technologies.

We are currently working on our database of candidates to be able to deal more directly with them and provide an even more personalised service.

If you are looking for a job or need to find the ideal candidate for your company, do not hesitate to contact Crearte Consulting. We take care of the entire selection process so that you can focus on what is most important: growing your business. Don’t hesitate to connect with the best candidates and make your business grow with our help!