Digitisation of recruitment processes is the way forward

bienvenido a la digitalización de los procesos de selección

When we talk about digitalisation in companies, we do so in all areas, covering the different departments of the company. This includes human resources, which clearly and directly affects recruitment. The optimisation and improvement of personnel selection processes are very important when it comes to attracting the best and most suitable talent for our business, thus ensuring the recruitment of suitable candidates. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, digital selection processes based on technology and that is why we want to explain to you how to carry out selection processes digitally.

How are recruitment processes digitised?

The digitisation of recruitment processes means that the recruitment of new employees can be carried out in a more agile and concise way. This makes companies more competitive by attracting talent quickly and easily adapting to market changes by bringing in new staff when necessary.

This digitisation translates into the conversion of the old way of offering jobs, such as through newspaper advertisements or paper CV management, to the use of digital platforms, social networks or CV management software (ATS). This new form of recruitment is known as e-Recruitment. This makes online results up to 10 times more effective than the traditional way of finding candidates.

The percentage of both companies and potential employees using online methods to search for a job or offer a position is very high. It is almost 100%. In this respect, social networks are increasingly positioning themselves as one of the preferred ways to search for jobs and talent.

Betting on the new services offered by the Internet when looking for new employees not only makes the process more agile and faster but also more accurate. Through social networks, we have an open world of possibilities. In one way or another, it allows us to get to know the person better than in any personal interview and to find out a little more about all the characteristics that may not be included in their CV but which could be interesting for the position.

Así es la digitalización de los procesos de selección en Crearte Consulting

What does the digitisation of this process bring?

At Crearte Consulting we firmly believe that the digitisation of recruitment processes is full of benefits. Here are some of its strong points:

  • Refining the search. If we are guided by the traditional or reactive way, waiting for the candidates to send us their CVs, we see a reduced range of possibilities that could be open to us through the Internet. It is no longer the company that has to wait to receive candidates, but through the digitalisation of this process, we can go “on the hunt” for the best candidate. We have to be proactive.
  • Analyse the skills and abilities of our candidates. Using digital portals and social media, we can easily obtain several examples of the work that our future employees have done in the past. This allows us to analyse certain data, such as their language skills, or how they work with a certain programme.
  • Flexibility and time-saving. This section is beneficial, not only for those responsible for the recruitment process but also for the candidates. Neither HR managers will waste time with profiles that do not fit what they are looking for, nor candidates will be “cheated” or feel that this has been a “waste of time”.

We hope these tips have helped you to understand how recruitment processes are digitised and the benefits that this system can bring to your business. From Crearte Consulting we are at your disposal if you need a digitised selection process that provides you with the desired talent for any of your projects.

What are the most demanded digital skills in the market?

habilidades digitales más demandadas

As experts in Nethunting, at Crearte Consulting we are very clear that we have entered the digital era. Therefore, digital skills are increasingly in demand in the labour market.

We cannot ignore the fact that technology is advancing at a dizzying pace, and companies need workers with specific skills and knowledge to adapt and keep up to date in an increasingly competitive environment.

What are digital skills?

We can define digital skills as the abilities that make it possible to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to face problems, establish different types of communication, favour learning, etc. In this sense, we can include the use of word processors, e-mail, social networks and internet searches.

According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs” report, by 2025, 50% of the world’s workers will need to update their digital skills.

In a selection of the digital skills most valued by companies, the following stand out:

  • Data analytics: It is clear that data is nowadays a valuable resource for companies. A correct analysis of information allows conclusions to be drawn that help companies make decisions or solve problems.  Professionals who know how to collect, analyse and use data are in high demand.
  • Cybersecurity: In the digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Companies need to protect their data from potential external threats and are looking for workers who can design and implement effective security solutions. Professionals with skills in network security, cryptography and risk management are therefore highly valued.
  • Software development: With the rise of software and customised applications for digital media, workers who have programming skills are in high demand. Professionals who know how to develop quality, customised software and who work with programming languages such as Java, Python or JavaScript have a great advantage.
habilidades digitales más demandadas

Other skills demanded by companies

  • Digital marketing: Today, practically all companies have a presence on the internet, so digital marketing is essential to be known. Workers with skills in SEO, SEM, social media marketing and data analysis are essential.
  • Graphic design and multimedia: Linked to digital marketing are skills in graphic design. We cannot lose sight of the fact that image is increasingly important. Professionals who can use tools such as Adobe Creative Suite to create attractive designs, videos and animations are highly valued in the market.
  • Communication skills: Communication skills are essential to thrive in a hyper-connected world. Companies are looking for workers who can communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the world, and companies need workers who have knowledge and skills in these areas. Professionals who can use programming tools and languages to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions are in high demand.

At Crearte Consulting we are very aware that digital skills are increasingly relevant in today’s labour market. Our Nethunting method allows us to find candidates with the right skills and background for the job you need to fill in just 7 days.