The art of getting to know candidates beyond their CVs

At Crearte Consulting we define ourselves as passionate about Nethunting. We are experts in personnel recruitment through the Internet. Social networks, professional networks and job portals are ideal tools to put companies in contact with the candidates that best fit them. But to get to know the candidates and find the ideal one, you have to go much further than just analysing their CVs.

Your ideal candidate is on the Internet, we find him/her

In the digital age, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to search for candidates online. This is known as Nethunting or online talent hunting. It is a technique that consists of finding and attracting professionals through the use of digital tools.

But Nethunting goes beyond simply finding a candidate with a suitable profile. It is about getting to know the person beyond their CV. In other words, it allows us to get to know the skills, interests and professional objectives of a candidate more deeply and completely.

Nowadays, practically all companies use social networks to find out about their potential candidates. As a consultancy, we have created a method that meets two of today’s essential conditions: it is fast and effective.

To carry out effective Nethunting, it is important to use a wide variety of tools and techniques. Some of them can be:

  • Reviewing the candidate’s social media presence: their LinkedIn profile, their activity on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. This can give us an idea of their interests and how they relate to other professionals in their sector.
  • Check the candidate’s blogs or online publications: if the applicant has a blog or has published in any digital media, we can learn more about their opinions and knowledge in their field of expertise.
  • Do a Google search: sometimes a simple Google search can yield interesting results about the candidate, such as conferences they have attended or projects they have been involved in.
  • Use online assessment tools: some platforms offer skills and competency assessments to get to know a candidate better
conocer a los candidatos

Nethunting, a methodology adapted to today’s needs

Nethunting can also be described as a very useful technique to get to know candidates more deeply and find the perfect professional for a company. In addition, it saves time and resources in the search for candidates, as it can be done quickly and efficiently via the Internet. In addition to their qualifications, the candidate’s interests, personalities and tastes can also be relevant for some positions.

On the other hand, it is interesting to note that just as the company is looking for certain characteristics in the person who is going to fill the vacancy, it must also make the applicant feel attracted to it.

It is important to bear in mind that Nethunting is helped by face-to-face interviews or interviews via videoconference. We can still conduct face-to-face interviews to get to know the candidates better and make sure they fit the company culture.

Nowadays, social networks tell us a lot about people’s interests and way of life. That is why it is important to be careful about what you post, share and comment on the internet. Publications made on any social network can contribute to a good or bad image of yourself.

At Crearte Consulting we like challenges, that’s why we are committed to finding the right candidate for the position you need to fill in just seven days.

Advantages of online recruitment processes

As technology advances, so do personnel selection processes. At Crearte we are experts in Nethunting, which means that we use all the means available on the internet to find the ideal candidate for your company.

Online recruitment processes are an increasingly popular tool for recruiting personnel, and, as we will see below, they offer a series of significant advantages over traditional processes.

The Nethuntig and the online recruitment process

One of the main advantages of online recruitment processes is the ability to reach a much wider audience. Through social media, job websites, apps, etc., companies can reach a large number of potential candidates. On the other hand, online recruitment processes allow candidates to apply for jobs from anywhere in the world, which means that companies have access to a much wider and more diverse candidate base.

Another important advantage of online recruitment processes is the ability to automate certain recruitment tasks. For example, by using automated recruitment software, companies can save time in performing certain tasks such as reading CVs, taking tests or scoring answers. This means that a large number of applications can be reviewed in a much shorter time, allowing the best candidates to be identified more efficiently.

Online selection processes also offer greater transparency and objectivity in the selection of candidates. By using standardised tests and automated questionnaires, companies can evaluate candidates objectively and fairly. This helps ensure that the best candidates are selected, regardless of their background or previous experience.

A method that allows us to find the ideal candidates

At Crearte Consulting we are committed to Nethunting as a candidate selection process because we achieve:

  • Greater reach: Online selection processes allow companies to reach a much wider audience of candidates, both nationally and internationally.
  • Increased efficiency: The automation of selection tasks through the use of automated selection software allows a large number of applications to be verified in a much shorter time, which helps to identify the best candidates more efficiently.
  • Cost savings: Online recruitment processes allow companies to save significant costs compared to traditional processes, as there is no need to print and send CVs, or pay for printed advertisements.
  • Transparency and objectivity: Online recruitment processes allow candidates to be assessed objectively and fairly, which helps to ensure that the best candidates are selected regardless of more personal characteristics.
  • Speed: Online recruitment processes allow the best candidates to be selected and recruited much more quickly compared to traditional processes.
  • Some studies suggest that online selection processes can generate less bias and improve diversity in recruitment, as tools and techniques can be used to evaluate candidates more impartially.

However, at Crearte, as specialists in Nethunting, we are committed to a more complete selection method that involves conducting interviews, first online and then face-to-face between candidates and recruiters. The Crearte method!

Why do we advocate Nethunting?

abogamos por el nethunting

At Crearte Consulting we advocate Nethunting. This is because we have understood the need and importance of adapting to modern times, and the way of attracting talent has changed.

We work to find the best professional profiles as quickly as possible.

The term Nethunting is a mixture of two English concepts: network, which is working through the internet, and headhunting, which can be translated as headhunting. Nowadays, practically anyone who is looking for a job knows that they must have a presence on the Internet. Social networks are a perfect formula to connect talents with companies, and net hunters are the ideal bridge between these two extremes.

Nethunting: the art of finding the ideal candidate

Well-prepared candidates are a rising value for companies, which have to create specific campaigns to find those who fit the positions they need to fill. The Internet is an ideal space for everyone to showcase their talents and professional qualities, as well as their experience.

Social networks such as LinkedIn or other specialised networks become a mine to find just the right person. We cannot lose sight of the fact that, with the evolution of the labour market, new professional profiles are also emerging that we need to know how to recognise.

However, Nethunting goes much further than simply scouring the web; it is a job in which a complex strategy must be developed to ensure that the candidate fits 100% with the needs and philosophy of the company. In this sense it is about:

  • Tracking the digital footprint of candidates. In other words, analysing who they are, what their training is, and what their interests are. And, of course, finding a suitable means of contact.
  • The more contacts and valuable information the nethunter provides, the more possibilities he/she will have in his/her search work.
  • Going far beyond the candidates’ CVs is to analyse their digital reputation. The best candidate is not the one who has the most training or experience, but the one who has the most experience knows how to adapt to working in a team and has values that are aligned with those of the company.
  • Knowing how to show all the attractions and strong points of a job offer and company. We must not forget that the best talent will often be working in competing companies or other areas, and to attract them they must appreciate the advantages that the new company can offer them.
abogamos por el nethunting

At Crearte we find the right candidate in only 7 days.

The reasons why we advocate Nethunting are represented in its advantages:

  • It is a perfect support for the HR department, as it allows them to select among very specific candidates.
  • Especially when it comes to finding profiles for positions of responsibility, it is the best option.
  • We put companies in direct contact with the candidates best suited to the vacancy.
  • The research work that took days or weeks in the analogue world can be done in hours in the digital world.

At Crearte Consulting we have designed a Nethunting working method that is constantly evolving to adapt to technological and digital improvements. It is a very agile model both in the search and in the selection and recruiting phase and allows us to guarantee that we can find the ideal candidate for the position you need to fill in just seven days.

As a guarantee, we work with invoicing models that are based on objectives met. The keys that define us are speed and agility, quality, innovation capacity, professionalism and transparency. Would you like to try it?

What is online reputation?

At Crearte Consulting we understand very well the importance of having a good online reputation. Just as in the real world, the image you project in the digital world is very important. Our expert recruiting net hunters give us some guidelines today.

We can say that online reputation has become a crucial factor in the image of people, companies and brands. It refers to the perception that users have of a person or company online, and is the result of the interaction of these users with the content published by the person or company in question.

How online reputation is created

Online reputation is built from information that is shared online, including social media posts, comments on forums and blogs, and reviews and ratings of products or services, among others.

This information is available at all times to anyone searching for information about a person or company on the Internet and can be a determining factor in decision-making. Online reputation can be positive or negative.

For businesses, online reputation is particularly important, as it can influence the purchasing decision, trust, credibility and loyalty of potential customers. A bad online reputation can lead to the loss of customers and, ultimately, to the bankruptcy of the company. On the other hand, a good online reputation can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

For this reason, many companies have started to pay more attention to their online reputation and have invested resources in online reputation management. This includes constantly monitoring information posted online, responding quickly and effectively to negative comments and implementing strategies to improve the online image.

However, online reputation is not only critical for companies and brands but also for individuals. We cannot ignore the fact that the information we share online can be seen by anyone, anywhere in the world. And this is something that can have important consequences in our personal and professional lives. One bad online comment or off-colour remark can affect how others perceive us and hinder our ability to get a job or do business.

reputación online

The digital reputation of candidates

It is crucial that people also care about their online reputation and take steps to protect and enhance it. To assess your online reputation you can start with the simple gesture of Googling your name and social media and looking at the information you get.

Analyse the image you project and think about what steps you can take to improve it. Don’t forget to be careful about what you post online, respond effectively to negative comments and look for strategies to improve your image.

Having a good online presence is something that many businesses value. So don’t hesitate to update the content you post on your social networks. You can grow your reach by diversifying the channels on which you post. Empathy, transparency and professionalism are important qualities that will help your digital image.

Different types of tools such as Google Alerts, Social Lies or Brandwatch can help you measure your online reputation. You must try to create strategies that allow your digital image to enhance your strengths so that you can differentiate yourself and build trust with potential employers.

Assessing the online reputation of candidates is one of the tasks that we usually carry out at Crearte Consulting as part of our Net hunting strategy so that it does not represent a point against you in the selection processes that we carry out for companies.

The importance of teamwork

trabajar en equipo

As expert net hunters, at Crearte we are very aware of the evolution of the job skills most in demand by companies. One of the most relevant is the ability to work in a team, something that not only influences an increase in productivity but also in achieving a good working environment.

Nowadays, teamwork is a valued skill and is considered essential for many industries. The ability to work with others to achieve a common goal is fundamental to both individual and collective success. 

Teamwork is a process in which a group of people collaborate to achieve a common goal. Each member involved contributes his or her particular skills, knowledge and experience to achieve a more effective result.

Teamwork processes require clear communication, careful planning and a focus on the common goal, as well as a willingness to listen and learn from each other. This method of working can be applied to a wide variety of contexts, from business projects to sports teams and community groups.

What are the advantages of teamwork?

Among the advantages of working in a team we can point out:

  • Division of tasks and improved efficiency: When working in a team, tasks can be divided among members, allowing each member to focus on what he or she is strongest and most efficient at. In addition, collaboration allows projects to be completed more quickly, which in turn increases the overall efficiency of the team.
  • Increased creativity and innovation: Teamwork allows for collaboration and the exchange of ideas between different members, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. When working in a team, people can learn from their colleagues and apply that knowledge to their projects, which can boost creativity and personal innovation.
  • More motivated employees: When working in a team, employees gain a sense of community and mutual support. This improves morale and motivation, which in turn leads to better performance and greater job satisfaction.
  • Increased accountability: By working in a team, members can feel a greater sense of responsibility and accountability to each other. This can help ensure that everyone accomplishes their tasks, thus increasing efficiency and success.

What qualities do the best team players have

As net hunters, we analyse many professional profiles, so it is clear to us that the people who work best in a team tend to have the following qualities:

  • Effective communication: they can listen, express themselves clearly and resolve conflicts constructively.
  • Collaboration: they are willing to work together and share responsibilities to achieve a common goal.
  • Flexibility: they can adapt to change and work with different personalities and working styles.
  • Responsibility: they fulfil their tasks and feel responsible for the success of the team.
  • Respect: they treat their teammates with respect and consideration, and value their contribution.
  • Openness to diversity: they value and accept diversity and are willing to learn from their colleagues.
  • Focus on purpose: they have a clear vision of the team’s purpose and are committed to it.

These qualities are important for successful teamwork, as they help to foster a positive and collaborative work environment, where all members can contribute and grow together.

However, from Crearte, as net hunters, we want to highlight that we all can improve these skills and strengthen ourselves as team workers.


Why join our Candidate Database?

Por qué inscribirte en nuestra Base de Datos para candidatos

As expert net hunters, we at Crearte Consulting are always on top of what’s new in the world of work, but we are also looking for ways to improve our services. So today we are delighted to be able to say: dear candidates, welcome to our database!

As an effective bridge between companies and candidates, we use multiple social networks to match the best talent to their ideal positions.

Why have we created this database?

There are several reasons why we think it is a good idea for a Nethunting company like ours to have its database:

  • It allows us to make a better selection of candidates: By having our database, Crearte can get to know the candidates better and select the most suitable ones for each job offer. This improves the efficiency of the job search and increases the chances of finding a perfect match.
  • We have greater control over the information: By having access to first-hand candidate information, our Nethunting company can control the quality and updating of the information, allowing us to provide a more efficient and accurate service to clients.
  • It further enhances the relationship with clients: By having our own database, we can offer a more personalised service to our clients.
  • We seek to be a different company: By having our own database, Crearte Consulting demonstrates that we are an innovative company committed to the success of our clients.

We consider that having this database is a valuable investment for our company, but also for our candidates. We know how difficult it can be to find the perfect job in a highly competitive market.

Por qué inscribirte en nuestra Base de Datos para candidatos

What it brings to candidates

Talent for Jobs is a platform specially designed for candidates, where you can register, allowing you to access an exclusive space where you can see the job offers that best fit your profile.

Not only that but by registering with Talent for Jobs, you will have access to exclusive opportunities that are only available through our platform. And, most importantly, your information will be confidential and secure at all times, because we take data privacy very seriously.

By entering your preferences and skills, we can provide you with job offers that truly match your interests and career goals. This saves time and energy by not having to search through hundreds of irrelevant offers.

Once you have applied for a job offer, you can follow its progress and receive updates on the status of your application in real-time. Furthermore, by registering with Talent for Jobs, recruiters can send direct messages about job opportunities. This type of direct communication increases the chances of being considered for a position and provides the opportunity to make a good impression on employers before you even have an interview.

So why wait? We believe that signing up to our database is a great way to increase your chances of finding the right job for you – sign up to Talent for Jobs today and start exploring the job opportunities we have to offer! The net hunters at Crearte Consulting look forward to meeting you and helping you find your next career opportunity.

At Crearte Consulting we revolutionise the personnel selection market

Our extensive experience in the field of human resources has led us to look for the most effective way to simplify the recruitment processes that are usually long and costly for companies. At Crearte Consulting we are experts in Nethunting, and we are committed to finding the ideal candidate for the vacancy you want to fill in just 7 days. We want to be the bridge between your problem and the most beneficial solution!

We believe in Net hunting as the solution to speed up the search for personnel

Currently, there are around 100,000 unfilled talent vacancies in most sectors. This means there is a vast pool of candidates and companies looking for opportunities to connect. But traditional methods can be slow and tedious, so new ways are being sought to deliver results…

We differentiate ourselves as net hunters on three main points: the digitisation of processes, agility in our work, and becoming partners with the companies that hire us.

We establish a close and trusting relationship with each of the companies that request our services. Rather than simply offering a recruitment service, we work in collaboration with companies to understand their specific needs and objectives. This allows us to customise the recruitment process for each company and find the ideal candidate that fits their needs and corporate culture.

This collaborative and trusting relationship allows us to work together for the long term, providing recruitment solutions that fit the evolving needs of the business. As partners, we work together to achieve common goals and ensure that the company finds the best talent. This means that our recruitment solutions are tailored to your needs and those of your company, saving you time and money in the process.

crearte consulting revolucionamos el mercado de selección de personal

The main objective: is to help companies and candidates find each other.

We specialise in sourcing and recruiting talent using digital and social media, which allows us to connect you with the best candidates in the market in as little as seven days, including IT profiles.

Without a doubt, what helps us stand out from other recruitment providers is our efficiency. With us, you can be sure that you will find the ideal candidate in just one week, as we have implemented a search method that is constantly being improved.

Our core values as a company are transparency, innovation, quality and agility. This means that we always work to provide you with the best results in the shortest possible time. By delegating the outsourcing of the recruitment process to us, you will be able to focus on what is most important for your business.

At Crearte Consulting, we make sure that the talent search is as easy and efficient as possible. To achieve this, we are constantly innovating and improving our processes and technologies.

We are currently working on our database of candidates to be able to deal more directly with them and provide an even more personalised service.

If you are looking for a job or need to find the ideal candidate for your company, do not hesitate to contact Crearte Consulting. We take care of the entire selection process so that you can focus on what is most important: growing your business. Don’t hesitate to connect with the best candidates and make your business grow with our help!

What are the most demanded digital skills in the market?

habilidades digitales más demandadas

As experts in Nethunting, at Crearte Consulting we are very clear that we have entered the digital era. Therefore, digital skills are increasingly in demand in the labour market.

We cannot ignore the fact that technology is advancing at a dizzying pace, and companies need workers with specific skills and knowledge to adapt and keep up to date in an increasingly competitive environment.

What are digital skills?

We can define digital skills as the abilities that make it possible to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to face problems, establish different types of communication, favour learning, etc. In this sense, we can include the use of word processors, e-mail, social networks and internet searches.

According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs” report, by 2025, 50% of the world’s workers will need to update their digital skills.

In a selection of the digital skills most valued by companies, the following stand out:

  • Data analytics: It is clear that data is nowadays a valuable resource for companies. A correct analysis of information allows conclusions to be drawn that help companies make decisions or solve problems.  Professionals who know how to collect, analyse and use data are in high demand.
  • Cybersecurity: In the digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Companies need to protect their data from potential external threats and are looking for workers who can design and implement effective security solutions. Professionals with skills in network security, cryptography and risk management are therefore highly valued.
  • Software development: With the rise of software and customised applications for digital media, workers who have programming skills are in high demand. Professionals who know how to develop quality, customised software and who work with programming languages such as Java, Python or JavaScript have a great advantage.
habilidades digitales más demandadas

Other skills demanded by companies

  • Digital marketing: Today, practically all companies have a presence on the internet, so digital marketing is essential to be known. Workers with skills in SEO, SEM, social media marketing and data analysis are essential.
  • Graphic design and multimedia: Linked to digital marketing are skills in graphic design. We cannot lose sight of the fact that image is increasingly important. Professionals who can use tools such as Adobe Creative Suite to create attractive designs, videos and animations are highly valued in the market.
  • Communication skills: Communication skills are essential to thrive in a hyper-connected world. Companies are looking for workers who can communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the world, and companies need workers who have knowledge and skills in these areas. Professionals who can use programming tools and languages to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions are in high demand.

At Crearte Consulting we are very aware that digital skills are increasingly relevant in today’s labour market. Our Nethunting method allows us to find candidates with the right skills and background for the job you need to fill in just 7 days.