Crearte Consulting is Nethunting. It is the ideal place to find your perfect candidate or to look for a job that will change your life. We are Nethunters, meaning we are experts in searching and selecting professionals from different fields on the most innovative and up-to-date platforms, such as social networks, professional networks and job portals. In addition, we search for opportunities and professionals within the national and international territories in priority databases with exclusive access.
We have experience in different companies and sectors, which we have built up over the more than twenty-five years that we have been present in the labour market. This gives us the necessary knowledge to know where to find each candidate, which is the most suitable platform on which to publish your job offers, and which candidature is optimal for your company.
With a professionally designed and intuitive website, we want to be a point of contact between your business and candidates interested in your position. On our website,, you can find detailed information about how our method works, and how we organise ourselves.
You will be able to discover what our deadlines are, what we focus our efforts on and how we manage to find the best candidates from the wide range of candidates available on the market. And what it means is that we offer you the most suitable candidate in just seven days, working 100% online.

We work online and with a technology-based process.
Seven days in which, from minute one, we bring the wisdom of our team to the table and start filtering. Online search, social media tracking, checking each of the available employment networks… We pull out all the stops and combine our efforts to offer you, candidates, in a fast, agile and effective way, using technological tools. We prioritise the quality of our processes over quantity.
Our new website is a space that we put at your disposal so that you can tell us what your company needs, and that we also want to use as a tool to be closer to your business. We are Nethunters because we are committed to your recruitment processes, we know the importance of talent, and we want to help you achieve your goals.
Together with the new website, we work to provide you with quality information on the field of Nethunting. In our blog, you will find articles every week about the Crearte method, selection processes, news in the field, tips and tricks, and information about everything related to this sector. We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our different social channels so that you will always have our services at your fingertips. Do not hesitate to contact us through them so that we can work together.
LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook
In addition, LinkedIn is one of the platforms we use to give voice to the offers you send us so that more users can find them. This is where, in case you are a candidate, you can find updated offers to help you in your job search.
We would like to remind you that, on our web page, you have a contact form where you can send us any doubt you may have or get more information about all our Nethunting services. We are waiting for you!