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Digital tools for personnel selection

Herramientas digitales para la selección de personal

Nethunting is positioned as the ideal help to find the perfect candidate. From Crearte, we explain how this, hand in hand with digital tools for recruitment, can help you identify the best candidates for your vacancy.

 How does Nethunting work?

Recruitment is a difficult process that requires a lot of time and effort. To facilitate this task, Nethunting has become a very useful digital tool for recruiters.

This technique consists of searching for job candidates through social networks and the Internet. Virtually any serious professional who is open to new job opportunities has a profile on social networks. Nethunting allows recruiters to find the right candidates for the job and save time and effort in personnel selection.

Technological advances have created new digital tools for personnel selection, of which, without a doubt, it takes advantage. It allows companies to search and select candidates with greater accuracy and speed, improving recruitment efficiency. It is a great help for those organizations seeking new talent for their work teams, relying on social networks, Big Data and even Artificial Intelligence (AI).

At Crearte we have implemented a talent search method that is in a continuous process of improvement. This allows us to evolve, offer an increasingly effective service and find the perfect candidate to fill each job vacancy in the shortest possible time. As passionate about the digital world, we are continuously researching new tools and ways of searching and attracting profiles, and we use all those that give us good results.

Herramientas digitales para la selección de personal

At Crearte we are experts in talent search.

Our system provides us with a series of benefits, such as the possibility of finding candidates from all over the world and a better understanding of their professional profiles.

LinkedIn is undoubtedly the professional social network par excellence, companies use it to publish their job offers and also to enhance their brand image. But to select the ideal candidates among the more than 690 million users of the platform worldwide, you can use other types of solutions that allow you to greatly refine your searches such as:

  • LinkedIn Recruiter is a tool that allows you to filter searches, access the complete profile of candidates and even contact them.
  • Pipeline Builder, is another tool integrated into the network that allows us to create lists of candidates.

And as there is also life beyond LinkedIn, there are other tools that allow us to expand searches to other social networks such as:

  • Followerwonk is a search engine that allows us to locate potential candidates on Twitter.

It is also important to have tools that allow you to schedule online meetings. And others to conduct job interviews with different candidates.

In conclusion, Nethunting is a useful tool for candidate selection. It can help you find the perfect candidate through digital tools, being able to identify the best candidates for the position to be filled. In Crearte we are specialists in acting as a bridge between companies and ideal candidates, so we help to create an ideal synergy. In seven days we find the candidate you need, always after an exhaustive and professional search by our team of expert nethunters.

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